
About Us Resort Overview - Treasure of Ecology

Essence Spray
Create Romance
From the fall of 2008, there is a mist spray system surrounding the Onsen Papawaqa. What is sprayed is not regular water but an exclusive Tai-an essence mist that is anti-bacteria, disinfectant and parasite-expelling and has a positive effect on uplifting the spirit, soothing tension, calming the nerves. For the legendary Onsen Papawaga building and its surrounding environment, the essence mist can help reduce any traces of artificial craft and purify the surrounding. The essence mist legendarily enriches the profound tour from the dilemma of embracing mother nature and reduces the fear of being bitten by bugs!


Wood essence─ Thousand year old tree absorbs the essence of the sun and moon
According to an 83-volume forest industry research report by the forest research institute of the Council of Agriculture, in as mentioned in an essay by the “essence” experts such as Su Yu-Chang and He Zhen-Long: Human beings have been using the essence for thousands of years. Its effects as an anti-bacteria, diuresis, and calming are widely recognized and its disinfectant and medical effects have been acknowledged. Also, the essential oil has been approved to be positive in uplifting the spirit, soothing away tension and calming the nerves.The popular aromatherapy utilizes herbal or wood essence oil to improve physical and mental health or prevent and cure disease through bath, message or inhalation.


Environmental protection and parasite expelling─ natural enemy repressing methods
Crazy about wood, the President of Onsen Papawaga Jiang De-Li is an expert in wood application who does not waste any part of the wood. The wood is used to decorate the resort, make furniture and water scoop as well as art sculptures. Moreover, the wood is used to create a series of “Snow forest” toiletries. At last, the mist from a distillate of the wood is sprayed around the resort, turning it into globally unique healthy environment full of phytoncide.


The essence mist surrounding the Onsen Papawaqa is sprayed into the air and is spread by the wind. Lingering in the refreshing air, the natural phytoncide lifts up the spirit and soothes away tension. Since the essence is effective in parasite expelling and disinfection, its long-time aroma and enemy repressing and environmental protection methods work like a natural repellant that keeps spiders, ants and mosquitoes away and further nourishes the biological environment of plants.In addition, the essence mist nourishes the moss and reduces traces of any artificial craft, making the building’s vintage style appear natural and primitive.

Present Profound Tour Essence The modern people who live in the city forest often long to commune with Nature. However, the fear of being bitten by bugs makes the word “Nature” a contradiction in terms – people love it and at the same time fear it. Thus, the unprecedented essential oil provides a clean, friendly and healthy environment of phytoncide. The essence mist is not just a mist but an enriched and profound tour essence!

Fauna & Flora Ecosystem
The cajuput are the street trees at Onsen Papawaqa. Inside the resort, there are the silvery messerschmidia and Chinese wisteria. Chinese wisteria buds in February and blossoms in summer. Together with the mountain and river scenes, there are different views in different seasons.


The light red leaves of the 3-leaf and 5-leaf maples bud in spring and turn green in summer, then light yellow in November and December. In mid-December, when the cold current comes, they all turn red to replace the coffee-colored Taiwan golden rain tree which turns green in summer to become the protagonist of the forest.


As the environment remains unpolluted, fireflies are everywhere during April to September. If you are lucky enough, you can see eagles hovering and diving to attack the chickens raised by aboriginals in July. The Baguali River nearby has been closed for years. As there are a wide range of fish, it has become nature’s perfect classroom. You can enjoy fishing and catching shrimp in the Taian River. If you like fish, the cultured mountain trout, armored sturgeon and grouper are the best choices.

The primitive forest in the rear mountain (Dongguashan) is where aboriginals used to hunt goats, boars and hares,and to collect wild fruit. On the nearby cliff, native Taiwanese plants, such as beech (best construction material),golden rain tree, maple and reetha (best material for essence oil and detergent),change in the seasons, blossoming, changing colors light green,dark green withered and yellow falling leaves dried branches.In spring and summer, they are vigorous and exuberant; in autumn, they are bleak; in winter, they become sad and alone.There are also snowy and misty scenes on the mountain in the four seasons.

New Paradise for the Slow Life Is Just That Close
The outbound road network of Taian County has been completed recently.
Together with the connection to the National Highway No. 1 and the Expressway No. 72 (east to west) from the National Highway No. 3, it takes just about 30 minutes to get to the Taian Hot Spring Area from the interchange. Therefore, it is superb spa recreational area with the most convenient transportation in Taiwan. Resort-specific features.


The resort is built with a large amount of Taiwan incense cedar. Room spa, basins, water ladles, bed, flooring, chairs, benches, special doorsteps, decoration plats, and even the lobby counter are made with Taiwan incense cedar logs. Unique wood, creative methods and forest essence together make up romantic and happy trips. Characteristics of Taiwan incense cedar
  1. Resilient (insect- and water-resistant), no need for varnishing or anti-corrosion processing.
  2. Unique Zen fragrance , best material for incense.
  3. Hard and fine with special patterns and oils, high-class tone, no need of lacquering; the longer in use, the clearer the oil patterns; contains cultural, artistic and elegant feeling.
  4. The logging of Taiwan incense cedar has been banned. The resort obtained a large amount of driftwood Chinese incense cedar originally grown inside the Shei-Pa National Park after the Chichi Quake and the July 2 Flood in 2004.
These valuable Taiwan incense cedars are not just expensive but also extinct.


Past application of Taiwan incense cedar
As the wood is rare and expensive, it was usually used in building temples, cultural relics, deity statutes and altars. Only used to make premium grade furniture. General premium teak is about NT$250/sq. ft, so Taiwan incense cedar is about NT$1200/sq. ft.Crazy about wood, the President of Onsen Papawaga Jiang De-Li is an expert in wood application who does not waste any part of the wood. The wood is used to decorate the resort, make furniture and water scoop as well as art sculptures. Moreover, the wood is used to create a series of “Snow forest” toiletries. At last, the mist from a distillate of the wood is sprayed around the resort, turning it into globally unique healthy environment full of phytoncide.
本身是木癡的觀止董事長,2005年與王大師巧遇,相談甚歡,力邀王大師相助,江董事長深切明瞭藝術的創作,需要有自然揮灑的空間,更要有具靈氣的環境,才能激發創作靈感,於是江董事長在群山會館提供王大師創作空間, 讓王大師在翠綠青山當中,真情流露盡興創作。在群山會館的日子,王大師孤單卻不孤獨,陪伴他的是一大堆形狀各異,各自矗立的天然肖楠原木塊,在木頭堆當中,散步、冥想、沉思、發呆,日與夜的擁抱,讓大師摸透每一尊木頭的個性脾氣與長處,於是,午夜夢迴靈感一來,選定目標,木屑如花般飄落之後,一件可典藏的藝術極品已經隱約現身。蟄伏山間的極簡,對應出來的是靈感的滾動,如萬斛泉源不擇地皆可出的感動,3年來成就了40多件作品。


木雕大師王信一本籍台東縣池上鄉,自幼受到阿美族文化藝術的薰陶,加上在原住民部落成長的心路歷程,培養了對文化之熱愛,更因此扎下創作的根基。表現在木雕藝術上的作品,有濃得化不開的原住民氣息, 王大師參加過多次木雕藝術展覽,有『一代拾荒木雕藝術家』之美名。


  1. 1999年 參加台東美術家聯展,工藝類入選﹝特優﹞。
  2. 2001年 參加第五十五屆全省美展工藝類入選。
  3. 2002年 臺東地方美展工藝類。
  4. 2003年 參加嘉義市文化局大雕創作個展。
    獲邀參加文建會總統府藝廊 – 臺東工藝展現場表演。
  5. 2004年 獲全國原住民木雕獎;平面類 – 三獎;立體類 – 二獎。
    現代藝術類 – 首獎。
  6. 2005年 參加高雄原住民主題公園創作設計競賽第三名。
    受邀苗栗縣部落社區大學之邀 – 立體雕刻教授。
  7. 2006年 全國木雕藝術創作比賽木雕類第三名。
    2006漂流木「藝術 創意 生活木雕展」木雕博物館會員聯展。
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